Friday, December 11, 2015

You are not a bad kid!

Precious Girl,

It's hard not to feel like you are a bad kid sometimes, isn't it?

Maybe you just had an encounter with a person that has left you emotionally stranded, like you keep trying but nothing is ever enough. Maybe you just reacted in anger or frustration because something didn't go the way you planned?

Just because you can't seem to respond to a situation like you want to respond, and it happens over and over again, doesn't mean that you are a bad person. It means that you didn't respond well. If that keeps happening and you can't seem to control it, it may mean that you have a habit. A habit that needs to be broken, but you aren't bad.

Would it help you to know that many of us have bad habits in communication? Habits that we learned so we could protect ourselves, habits that we began because no one told us that they would be hurtful in the long run, or habits that we don't know how to stop because the habit is more secure than the scariness of being open enough to change.

You are not alone.

Imagine a hand reaching out to you as you sit in the corner, angry, sad, disappointed, scared. That hand is everything you want, but feel like you can't have. It's safety; It's security; It's peace.

It's also an invitation to change.

Change isn't always bad.

In so many ways change is healthy and good. It's scary and hard at times, but often creates a space for  growth and challenge in ways that were not possible before. Change can be a catalyst for growth.

We have a choice.

Do we keep responding in the same ways which ultimately make us feel bad about ourselves or do we take the scary step and embrace change?

This is the place where you get to make choices. You are a delightful young woman. You are lovely and lovable. Know that you are loved and accepted outside of your behavior.

Loving you always,
