Sunday, November 8, 2015

It's OK to Feel Alone

Dear and Precious Daughter,

It's okay to feel alone. It really is.

When you feel alone, rest there. It can be painful. It can be heavy. It is also freeing. Being able to sit in your pain. Sit there and be still. That is the gift. To be able to sit even for a few minutes alone and be in your pain means that you aren't self-protecting. You aren't running to the next person to help you (although that isn't a bad thing). It also means you aren't avoiding the pain. Avoiding doesn't make it go away. In that moment that you have the courage to look at your pain you FEEL.

Feeling connects us with the present. It connects us with how we were made and who we are. When we don't feel the pain it takes away from how much we feel the joy in our lives. We were made to be holistic feelers, to feel it all. Just sit. It will be okay. I promise. Even if it takes more time, it will get better.

You are still. You are with yourself. You are with the trueness of who you are.

In the next moment, invite another thought.

Are you really alone? Is it really you against the world?

NO - regardless of your circumstance there are people around you who care about your existence.

You matter.

You matter first to the One who created you, who loves you best and loves you most. You cannot do enough to earn any more love from Him. It's set. He loves you to eternity.

You are loved.

Be active in taking stock of those around you who want to communicate love. Don't discount the love of people who try to love you, but honestly don't speak the same love language as you. They are doing the best they know how.

Look at them, the people around you. These are the people He has appointed around you to love you and walk with you in the midst of the space you occupy. They are in your life to help you understand on a tangible level that you are not alone. They are also there to help you walk through.

Decide for yourself to take a moment to be alone. When this happens, it means you have time to take stock of yourself, to sit with yourself and just be there.

In those moments:

Be courageous. Believe you are loved. Believe you matter. 

It's about believing the truth of who you are and agreeing with it.

My dear, you are a lovely young woman. Believe it.

With much love and true admiration,


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